  • 4:1  CURRENT UNUN   600 WATTS


  • Brand: Wire Antennas UK
  • Product Code: 4:1 CURRENT UNUN with top connectors 600 watts
  • Availability: 12

  • £45.00

  • Ex Tax: £45.00

This is an unun ( unbalanced to unbalanced ) transmission line transformer designed to match 200Ω  to 50Ω intended for use only with unbalanced antennas such as long wires and verticals multiband.

with 9.5m (31feet)  to 13.1m ( 43 feet) you can have excellent match 5/8 wave antenna’s vertical length,  angle of radiation is just 16 degrees making it an even better dx antenna.

this concept is used by commercial branches as Zero Five antenna, S9 antenna ….


Concerning a counterpoise you can use just a single ground rod or single ground radials

 or many, when cut to approximately 1/4 wavelength of the lowest operating frequency will make the antenna more efficient and easier to adjust.

“ if you want to work DX, but you just can’t afford a tower and beam. You’ll be very pleasantly surprised at its performance.”


Technical specification :

Type :                                               4:1 Current UNUN

Frequency :                                       1 – 30 Mhz

Input Impedance:                               50Ω

Output Impedance:                             200Ω

Typical insertion loss:                         less than 0.05 dB

Power Handling(CW/AM/SSB) :          600 watts PEP

Core Type :                                       FT240-43 by Fair-rite® Co.

Wire type:                                         Enamel copper wire 1.26 mm (AWG 16)

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